The Ground of our Encounter – The Garden

An allotment, with one person working

Our community garden is more than a vegetable patch, it is our teacher, it is becoming the ground of our encounter with the life-giving Spirit of Holiness. It is a place of work, nurture, encountered community and generosity. You can take home the produce that the ground gives to us.

My Sphere of Influence – in the face of crisis, where do I begin?

"Understand your sphere of influence and control" written over a photograph of the Laudato Si' Garden

My Sphere of Influence – In the face of crisis, where do I begin? recognising our unique opportunities to take action Written by Dr Emma Gardner Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on linkedin Share on pocket Share on email We only have to switch on the news to see a snapshot of the […]

How Should we Approach the Journeys we make?

Fr Kevin standing next to to Peruvians (one child on a mule and one adult next to him)

Travel during my three-year stint high in the Andes (2005-2008) was a very slow business. Sometimes riding a mule but more often just slowly walking through the mountains, sometimes for days at a stretch, because there were hardly any (mud) roads. Everything gently passing us by, animals, trees, villages and people. Time to talk as we walked (walk as we talked) and listen to everything around us. The great gift, so often eluding us in our modern high velocity living, being simple appreciation.