‘Around these community actions, relationships develop or are recovered and a new social fabric emerges. Thus, a community can break out of the indifference induced by consumerism. These actions cultivate a shared identity, with a story which can be remembered and handed on. In this way, the world, and the quality of life of the poorest, are cared for, with a sense of solidarity which is at the same time aware that we live in a common home which God has entrusted to us. These community actions, when they express self-giving love, can also become intense spiritual experiences’.
-laudato si
Download the notice board to make your group public. Stick pictures of your faces on it so that if people want to get involved they know who they are looking for (no secret societies please).
Put up new information as it becomes available on the Journey to 2030 website in addition to creating your own events to suit your parish. Whether it is a sewing workshop or car shares, If it encourages sharing, community and using your skills and interests; it has a place on this board.
You will find that an ecological crisis social action group will overlap many important parish roles such as catering, flower arranging, etc. Try to acknowledge this overlap with other peoples roles and invite them into your group, Or if you are one of these people, make sure you join the group. No aspect of parish life should be forgotten, as after all, everybodies actions, skills and interests are to be valued as their own expression of ‘self-giving love’.
Get Started by filling the board with exciting things.
Here are some suggestions of things to get you stated. We will notify you when new resources are added when you sign up to our mailing list.
The Parish Map
Download the poster here: https://cafod.org.uk/content/download/48378/582101/version/2/livesimply%20inspired%20activity%20poster%20final.pdf
Or order a print copy here: https://shop.cafod.org.uk/collections/frontpage/products/re-imagine-our-common-home-poster
Journey to 2030 events
On the events guide on our homepage, you will find Events to put on in your parish, There are pre-made posters here for you to download and advertise your event.
There will also be posters for national events, as well as related big news of to put up on the board.
Global Healing & Caring film nights
Download all the promotional materials to host the film nights on the ‘Our Common Home’ Website here: https://www.ourcommonhome.co.uk/promotion-gc