The power of imagination and of sharing ideas in building God’s kingdom
Dreaming is not a whimsical fancy.
Dreams allow us a way of imagining a better future. Dreams are where a journey starts. We need to take dreaming and imagining seriously if we are to create the hope the world needs to see right now.
What is just as important as having a dream?
Sharing it with others. Sharing our dreams with others helps cultivate a vibrant ecosystem of possibility.
This page is an invitation to share your dream.
Could you do a re-imagine activity in your school, parish, home or community? Even your place of work?
Simply discuss the question:
"What would you like your community to look like by the year 2030?"
This should be the result of if you, as a community had made every effort To listen and act on the cries of the earth and the poor?
Tools to help you think deeply
If you need help in thinking deeply about what kind of future you want to see, consider using the Let us dream reflection document.
You can also do this activity in conjunction with our Building a Caring Community activity posters.
welcome to The gallery of shared dreams
How to take part
Use any creative medium you like.
Think wild!! Don’t constrain yourself to what you think is possible. If there is a grain of sense or beauty in your idea it may just take root.
Share your creative challenge with us. Send an email to with ‘Let us dream’ in the title.
Please read the terms and conditions at the bottom of this page.
By sending us your creative work, you agree to The Ecological Conversion Group publishing it on the Journey to 2030 website and sharing it with our networks for the purposes of promotion. If you have any questions or requests about how your work is used, please email
If it is an image. Please add a few sentences for the caption to explain your idea.
If it is a video we will upload it to our YouTube Chanel.
If it is audio please also provide a transcript.