Getting Started

On the journey to 2030

Getting Started

On the journey to 2030

Start here

This page contains many resources that should help get your communities taking action in caring for creation.

We recommend starting with the new ‘Building a Caring Community’ poster activity pack to create a bit of structure.

Girl pointing to left

'Building a Caring Community' poster activity pack

This poster activity pack is specifically designed to be a starting point for a school, parish or community in addressing our ecological and social crises and exploring integral ecology using the Laudato Si’ goals.

Including concern for nature, justice for the poor, commitment to society, and interior peace, in an integrated community response.

Film and reading resources

Explore the Church's teaching on Love of God, neighbour and common home, as a community.

We have compiled resources that can help you come together as a community to learn about important topics. Invite your community to explore these topics with you using the resources on the film screening and reading group pages.

community Film screenings

Raising awareness of topics with food and discussion is a great way of getting people interested in important topics. See our recommended films.

Catholic Social Teaching reading group

Reading of Catholic social teaching such as Laudato Si’ is an excellent way to look in depth into Church teaching on care of creation. See our collection of reading guides and resources.

community Film screenings

Raising awareness of topics with food and discussion is a great way of getting people interested in important topics. See our recommended films.

Catholic Social Teaching reading group

Reading of Catholic social teaching such as Laudato Si’ is an excellent way to look in depth into Church teaching on care of creation. See our collection of reading guides and resources.

Resources for community action

To help you choose and maintain your efforts as a community we have selected some useful resources and links. A project should be sustainable in more ways than one.

Ideas fOr actions

Feeling uninspired? Overwhelmed? We are compiling a list of suggested actions that you can sort by areas of parish life, Laudato Si’ Goals and LiveSimply award categories.


We have compiled a list of awards and programmes that can help cultivate and sustain your communities enthusiasm.


Planning a project is very important. The Don Bosco Youth have a comprehensive resource to help negotiate risk and avoid headaches.

Getting a team together

Chances are there are many others in your parish or community who are ready to act but looking for company.

Find a local network

Find what groups operate in your area.

Ideas fOr actions

Feeling uninspired? Overwhelmed? We are compiling a list of suggested actions that you can sort by areas of parish life, Laudato Si’ Goals and LiveSimply award categories.


We have compiled a list of awards and programmes that can help cultivate and sustain your communities enthusiasm.


planning a project is very important. The Don Bosco Youth have a comprehensive resource to help negotiate risk and avoid headaches.

Getting a team together

Chances are there are many others in your parish or community who are ready to act but looking for company.

Find a local network

Find what groups operate in your area.

Resources for communication

Building the bigger picture is important as it brings hope that people are not alone in their efforts. The following resources help to share stories, and help build a national and global picture of the patchwork of beautiful communities.

Find a local network

Sending your stories to your  Diocesan environmental lead is very helpful. Find their details on this map.

Logos - coming soon

Whack a logo on it! There are various logos and hashtags you can use to help communicate the bigger picture.

Find a local network

Sending your stories to your  Diocesan environmental lead is very helpful. Find their details on this map.

Logos - coming soon

Whack a logo on it! There are various logos and hashtags you can use to help communicate the bigger picture.


Write to us

Do you have an inspiring story that you would like us to feature? Write to The Journey to 2030 at or click the link below.


Find your diocese on the map and click to discover groups and contacts to support you in your diocese.


Let us keep you in contact so that we can send you all the latest news and alert you to new features, blogs and more…

read laudato si'

Read the document that inspired The Journey to 2030.