This page lists all the actions spread across our site. You can use this list to help your parish plan what activities they will take up on their Journey. You can see these actions in the context of how they fit into parish life in our Parish Guide to Laudato Si’. Explore here

To help you choose actions that suit your parish’s needs, you can filter the results by areas of parish life, The Vatican’s Laudato Si’ Goals, The livesimply Award categories, or even mix and match!

Actions Filter
repair cafe logo

Host a repair café for the wider community

Build and Support the circular economy.
ethical consumption audit logo

Investigate your community’s ethical consumption

Use the Parish Ethical Consumption Toolkit resource to review all aspects of parish consumption, including energy, communications, cleaning etc.
fairtrade parish logo

Become a Fairtrade community

Commit to using Fair Trade and ethical products for all church activities. Communicate this with the parish, highlighting why it’s important (through posters/noticeboard etc.),


Help cut down traffic and air pollution by sharing your car with other parishioners, especially if they rely on a lift to get there!


A parish plant swap or sale is a great way to encourage people to grow their own food at home.
It enables members of the community to make the best use of their skills and space to grow their favorites and share with others. Knowing that Mrs Goggins has succeeded in creating hardy tomatoes, while you have got the beans off to a roaring start means you can both look forward to a varied harvest! A plant sale can also be a great way of raising funds for other projects.


Could you turn a piece of parish grounds into an allotment?
This is a great way for the parish to get their hands dirty and marvel at the wonders of giant vegetables growing from tiny seeds. Even if you do not have much room, a couple of meters of raised bed can produce quite a bit of food.


The Parish newsletter is a great way of informing people of current events, drawing attention to urgent appeals and communicating…
…what actions are going on in your parish and locally. Reading the newsletter as we wait for mass to start can put us in the right frame of mind if the content is reflective or thought provoking. How is my salvation tied with that of the world and my neighbours? Make sure you include any web links so people can follow up in their own time. Make sure the key events are read out from the pulpit.


Could your Parish grounds provide a quiet space to the local community?
Could your Parish grounds provide a quiet space to the local community, or a dedicated area for prayer and reflection? ‘Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest’ (St Mark’s Gospel 6.31). If Jesus regularly and consistently needed such space to just ‘be’, then so do we.